The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award was created with the approval of the Boy Scouts of America as a national Masonic Scouter award, and is administered by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania as a service to all other Grand Lodges. (Currently, only Idaho, Nevada, South Dakota and West Virginia do not participate.)
The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is an honor due to the countless Freemasons who practice the ideals of Freemasonry and act as role models to the youth who are part of one of our nation’s most outstanding youth organizations. The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award not only supports the Masonic relationship through the man who brought Scouting to America but proclaims the integrity of the Freemason who is honored by receiving this award.
The award will be presented to a Master Mason who is currently a registered Scout and active in a Scouting unit, district, council or national affiliate and has displayed outstanding dedication to the Scouting program through:
- Developing Scouting units;
- Assisting lodges in forming units;
- Exemplifying the Scout Law and Masonic virtues;
- Recruiting Scouting volunteers;
- Strengthening the relationship between Freemasonry and Scouting.
- Work accomplishment and dedication, rather than a specific number of years in Scouting, will be the criteria for this award.
The award cannot be presented posthumously.
Nomination Process
All Master Masons in good standing are invited to recommend a contemporary for the award. Petitions for the award will be available through the Grand Secretary of each participating Grand Lodge. Only the official petition may be submitted for this award.
Step One: The recommender must complete the petition and submit an attached page explaining the candidate’s qualification for the award.
Step Two: The recommender should also have the petition approved and verified by the local Boy Scout Council where the candidate is currently registered as an active Scout leader.
Step Three: The recommender should then have the application reviewed by the Worshipful Master of the candidate’s lodge. If found to be qualified, the petition will be authorized and forwarded to the lodge’s Grand Secretary (some states utilize District Deputies) or other Masonic authority designated to handle the award in his home jurisdiction. That person will then submit the petition, the Statement of Accomplishments and the check, to the PMYF Office, 1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
Please Note: No Mason may submit himself for this award, nor should he seek it. It should be given because the lodge recognizes that he is doing a Mason’s work by training and working with youth.